Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013


Name : Syifa Wati
NPM : 17212273
Class : 1EA04

Task 2

A. how to make sentences direct

The way of writing is always flanked by direct speech quotes, words always at the start capital letters. A colon (:) or comma (,) when placed before direct speech conjunctive / reporting (reporting vern) it is upfront, and comma (,) must be placed after the direct speech when conjunctive placed after or between direct speechnya. Punctuation such as exclamation point (!), Question mark (?) That indicates the type of direct sentence unchanged.

A."I'm not hungry now." (Direct)
B. He said that he was not hungry at that time. (indirect)

B. How to make sentences indirect

Basically, direct converted into indirect speech by removing the quotation punctuation, eliminating capital letters in a sentence, adding that (optional), change the pronoun (the third person), modify the verb, correct the reference time (the time mentioned in the conversation) and / or Whether or add if (conditional).

A. "I'm not hungry now." (Direct)
B. He said that he was not hungry at that time. (Indirect)

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