Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

posts 2

Name : Syifa Wati
NPM : 17212273
Class : 1EA04
Posts 2.

A. Definition 6 Pillars characters
There are many sources that describe the pillars of education
character, but in this article, the author refers to the six pillars mentioned by Major (2008:19).

a. Trustworthiness (reliability). The first pillar contains elements
following: 1) honesty, which reflects an unwillingness to lie, cheat,
or steal, 2) reliability, which includes fulfillment of commitments, compliance
the rules and codes of conduct that bind; 3) the courage to act on the basis of
truth, 4) development of a good reputation, and 5) faithfulness, both in
family, friends, and country.

b. Respect (Respect). This character builder components are 1) respect and
treat others with respect, 2) to tolerate and accept
differences, and 3) well-behaved and avoid harsh words; 4)
consider the feelings of others, 5) do not threaten, hit or
wounding others, and 6) hold grudges, do not insult others, and
impose no disagreement on others.

c. Responsibility (Responsible). Responsible understood in some perspective as to perform its obligation, planning, resilience, trying to do their best, self-control, discipline, think before acting,
responsible for speech, actions, and attitudes, and a model for

d. Fairness (fair). Sense of fairness is the willingness to do justice to yourself and others. Equitable action is indicated by the willingness to
follow the rules of the game, providing the opportunity for themselves and others,
open-minded (willing to hear others), do not take advantage of others,
do not blame others arbitrarily, and treat others fairly.

e. Caring (caring). In real caring is characterized by friendliness / kindness,
sympathy and empathy, gratitude, willingness to forgive others, and
helping people in need.

f. Citizenship (Sense of Unity). The values
​​of unity is manifested in the form of a real contribution to create a community where he is getting better, working with others, engage in activities community, continue to follow the development of information, a member
good society, comply with laws and regulations, respect the leaders, concerned about the environment, and volunteerism.

The importance of the six pillars are honesty is very important because the honesty of others will be more comfortable at doing something, no lies, and life becomes more peaceful.

With the lack of respect the other people who we respect a more in value, not the case anymore hostility.

Responsibility, a sense of responsibility to make ourselves to be more disciplined, appreciate the time, and always trying to get better.

Fair, before he could do justice to others, fair to yourself to be the main part, with a sense of justice to make a better job. As in the reason, listen to others and not easy to blame others.

Caring, caring nature nowadays very rare, for those with a sense of caring in ourselves, there will be a feeling of helping each other to people who desperately need help.

Unity, which makes us think it to be more obedient to the laws and regulations in force, building a sense of fun to work together in positive activities.

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