Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

posts 5

Name : Syifa Wati
NPM : 17212273
Class : 1EA04

Posts 5.

A. I think the 6 pillars are not all in accordance with the character of the nation of Indonesia.

B. The reason is because there are still many problems that occur in Indonesia such as, corruption, corruption is not a good deed, and here honesty is very low in value, other examples such as cheating in the exam also includes good deeds and not act honestly.
Responsibility as a student whose primary task of learning to be futile in the absence of a sense of responsibility. And the fighting students, this is a very bad example, in the absence of further social norms and behavior and morals of students are declining.
These days more and more people are less concerned with the environment, the lack of a sense of helping each other. Justice in our nation is also less, because to be fair it is difficult, especially in people who are less able, they complained of various problems such as education, the right to life, health and others.

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