Kamis, 02 Mei 2013


NPM           : 17212273
CLASS       : 1EA04

Tugas 7
a.      What is a syllable?
syllable in Indonesian is said that only produce one sound. While the word is a combination of syllables or syllable itself.

b.      Is there any influence in the comparative syllables?
Yes there are.

c.       Explain why and give examples!
Comparative DEGREE used when two people or things are not said to be equal in terms of certain properties one more than the other. Level of comparison is expressed by using the "-er" if the adjective has only one syllable (one Syllable) as well as the added word "than."
·         if the adjective consists of a single word in the form of added on comperative ER.
           deep - deeper
           long - longer
·         if the adjective ends with the letter E the only plus R on his comperative
late - later
nice- nicer
·         if the adjective ending in a consonant which comes first by a vowel then the final letter should be in duplicate.
example :
wet- wetter
·         if the adjective ends with the letter Y is prioritized by the dead letter Y letter turned into I.
happy- happier

·         if the adjective ending in Y preceded by a vowel then Y does not change.
example :
·         for monosyllabic adjectives are two or more then to comperative plus MORE
example :
expensive- more expensive
beautiful- more beautiful

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